Disaster and Risk Management
Improved and fully enforced rules on the habitation and visitation of Volcano Island towards increasing disaster response capacity and reducing the threat of casualty especially among vulnerable populations, enhanced capabilities of each citizen to respond to threats and occurrence of disaster and options for post-disaster start-up livelihoods.
High Priority Actions
- Full census, knowledge management and restriction on in-migration
- Volcano Monitoring and climate change preparedness
- Disaster response drills and microinsurance options
- Geohazard Mapping
Workshop-Orientation on Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction
Brgy. Calawit, Balete, BatangasOctober 1, 2011
A total of 23 participants attended the DRR training in Brgy. Calauit, Balete, Batangas. The participants enjoyed the hands-on learning exercises as well as the interactive workshops.
Brgy. Alas-as, San Nicolas October 8, 2011
Barangay Officials and members from the fisherfolk sector were among those who attended the DRR Training in San Nicolas.
Talisay, Batangas October 22, 2011
The sessions were designed to combine conceptual DRR inputs and actual hands-on exercises on Disaster Risk Assessments.
Balete National High School Oct. 25, 2011
They were given an orientation by Pusod Inc. regarding the disaster management for Taal Volcano Protected Landscape.
Brgy. Calauit, Balete Nov. 5, 2011
A total of 28 participants successfully finished the orientation workshop on DRR. We offered a refresher course to them to equip the participants with knowledge & skills on disaster management.